ALSO -The Last Furlong Blog and Life on an alien planet.wordpress

Monday 25 March 2013

Small alien has landed

We have a small human looking alien that landed with eye watering speed day before yesterday. It arrived in the most civilised manner without hours of labour and angst. I am grateful for that.

This little girl-human is perfect despite the Medical Profession suggesting constantly it would be otherwise. I presume they do that so that if something were to be wrong, they would avoid litigation. But it seems pretty cruel on the pregnant mums who have to endure the worry of it.

Doctors and specialists are so strange in this alien world I now live in. They never give an opinion. They simply repeat your options in the circumstances you find yourself in over and over like little robots even if you ask them what THEY would advise. They are trying to escape litigation too.They are no longer doctors as I know the word - they know nothing about you, have concern for you as another check on their tick-boxes, and I think, with the Internet, we know a lot more than they would like - and I feel sorry for them now they have been reduced to tick box ticker robots instead of meaningful family advisors and trusted family friends.

Wonder if the small human, on some soul-level, knows what a crazy planet she's come to?

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