I have been really upbeat about how democracy has worked in the UK with our anti-war vote. I believe we have set an example. We must have shot up in the estimation of many, if not the whole world. Right now, I am proud to be British!
I like to think Obama would not be consulting with Congress, if David Cameron had blathered along with warmongering and taken us into war like Tony Blair did, trotting on behind the USA. Fortunately he was stopped in his tracks by our Parliament.
I think the actions of Britain ARE important. I think this action in Parliament has been one of the most important for a long, long time. In all the doom and gloom and pretty-boy politicians imposing their Oxbridge ideas on us, it has been the single most uplifting thing recently, that has made me feel happy.
If Congress stops Obama in his warmongering tracks too, I will be delirious!
The younger generation of politician that actually knows f**** all about war, should learn that there ARE other ways to exert domination without killing people. They are little boys with terrifying toys being advised by Generals who just need a job.
ALSO -The Last Furlong Blog and Life on an alien planet.wordpress
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
Agent Orange, Napalm, depleted uranium, drones, and affronted morals.
We can only go up in World Opinion, even as we drop out of World Power. Last night was Democracy in action, as it should be. Well done the UK! Toughees Cameron.
The USA is affronted morally by the use of gas in Syria? Yup. They are the country that used agent orange and napalm in Vietnam and depleted uranium in the Middle East. Morally affronted? My foot. It's the pot calling the kettle black - look to the record of the world's biggest interfering bully with questionable morality, that has sold arms to shore up/knock down regimes around the world, and is terrorising the citizens of other nations with "moral" drones.
I can't understand why the UK has anything to do with training and supporting rebels in a Sovereign country. I could never understand how we could use "Shock and Awe" whilst invading yet another Sovereign country. I was ashamed of us.
We have too long been America's little puppy dog and desperate to be a "world leader". We should lead the world by example.
And in my opinion - we just have.
The USA is affronted morally by the use of gas in Syria? Yup. They are the country that used agent orange and napalm in Vietnam and depleted uranium in the Middle East. Morally affronted? My foot. It's the pot calling the kettle black - look to the record of the world's biggest interfering bully with questionable morality, that has sold arms to shore up/knock down regimes around the world, and is terrorising the citizens of other nations with "moral" drones.
I can't understand why the UK has anything to do with training and supporting rebels in a Sovereign country. I could never understand how we could use "Shock and Awe" whilst invading yet another Sovereign country. I was ashamed of us.
We have too long been America's little puppy dog and desperate to be a "world leader". We should lead the world by example.
And in my opinion - we just have.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
May wisdom rule
Nothing good will be put in my blogs for a while. I am really cross with myself - extra grumpy - not happy.
Last night I killed my laptop partially - you can't really be partially killed? you're either dead or alive yes? but my laptop is partially killed - bits of it work - but not all the bits - so it is really dead for me. I lobbed a ball for my dog against the lounge wall, which I sometimes do, for fun. It was a shot in a million! It glanced off the edge of the open door, came right back at me. Hit me. Ricochet'd off me and into my litre glass of water. That flipped over emtying the whole contents into my face and splashed onto my laptop. It was like a scene out of a slapstick comedy I laughed myself breathless - whilst mopping up the water on the laptop. But now I'm laughing on the other side of my face.
Having just returned from walking the dog, I find North West Electricity have now completed the huge pole/mast that we fought so hard to stop last year. On Friday, they delivered a letter to the inhabitants of the houses that overlook it, and three days later, they erected it. Weasels! So that has made me feel extra grumpy. I hope the bloody thing falls over. Mind you, one of the farmers in the protest last year did say that it was amazing what tractors could do by accident. However, the weasels have erected a tractor-proof fence too. The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authorities really have no authority - North West Electricity went over their heads in a Government appeal.
But I am delighted to say that I got a personal e-mail in answer to mine from our MP to say he agreed with my request for him not to be complicit in the warmongering of Tony Blair's Heir, Cameron in parliament today. May wisdom rule.
As soon as he gets home from Parliament, I will add my e-mail to the others already sent to him about the bloody pole/mast. But, poor fellow, he's a bit busy right now!
I will also not be lobbing balls around our lounge again.
Last night I killed my laptop partially - you can't really be partially killed? you're either dead or alive yes? but my laptop is partially killed - bits of it work - but not all the bits - so it is really dead for me. I lobbed a ball for my dog against the lounge wall, which I sometimes do, for fun. It was a shot in a million! It glanced off the edge of the open door, came right back at me. Hit me. Ricochet'd off me and into my litre glass of water. That flipped over emtying the whole contents into my face and splashed onto my laptop. It was like a scene out of a slapstick comedy I laughed myself breathless - whilst mopping up the water on the laptop. But now I'm laughing on the other side of my face.
Having just returned from walking the dog, I find North West Electricity have now completed the huge pole/mast that we fought so hard to stop last year. On Friday, they delivered a letter to the inhabitants of the houses that overlook it, and three days later, they erected it. Weasels! So that has made me feel extra grumpy. I hope the bloody thing falls over. Mind you, one of the farmers in the protest last year did say that it was amazing what tractors could do by accident. However, the weasels have erected a tractor-proof fence too. The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authorities really have no authority - North West Electricity went over their heads in a Government appeal.
But I am delighted to say that I got a personal e-mail in answer to mine from our MP to say he agreed with my request for him not to be complicit in the warmongering of Tony Blair's Heir, Cameron in parliament today. May wisdom rule.
As soon as he gets home from Parliament, I will add my e-mail to the others already sent to him about the bloody pole/mast. But, poor fellow, he's a bit busy right now!
I will also not be lobbing balls around our lounge again.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
War on a foreign country by bankrupt Britain?
I am holding my breath. I have written to my MP - again! If things follow the pattern of the warmongering that occurred before the Iraq war, Britain will get involved in Syria - to our shame.
Once, we were rulers of the "Empire". That was then. We have no "Empire". We are a bankrupt little island with delusions of grandeur. There is no way meddling in other countries is our "moral" duty. The moral duty of our Government is to stop wasting tax payers' money and do the will of its citizens. British citizens to NOT want yet another war based on flimsy uncorroborated evidence, that might involve us in unforeseen ways and cause more suffering to people who are already suffering. There's no logic in that - no morality - just foolishness.
I watched how Tony Blair turned into a glittering eyed goblin as his terms progressed - the same transformation that is making Obama look equally old and shriveled now. It really must be difficult to be a President/Prime Minister. It astonishes me anyone ever wants to be.
So I will be watching the face of our David Cameron. I am hoping he will prove more wise than I expect him to be.
But maybe not.....
Quote - Britain's National Security Council "unanimously" backed action against Syria over its "unacceptable" chemical weapons use, Prime Minister David Cameron said earlier on Wednesday.
Want to know who is the National Security Council? Click here. Mmmm.. don't know what to say they all look really familiar!
So we are talking to the United Nations? We did that last time too. And then we waged an illegal war.
Once, we were rulers of the "Empire". That was then. We have no "Empire". We are a bankrupt little island with delusions of grandeur. There is no way meddling in other countries is our "moral" duty. The moral duty of our Government is to stop wasting tax payers' money and do the will of its citizens. British citizens to NOT want yet another war based on flimsy uncorroborated evidence, that might involve us in unforeseen ways and cause more suffering to people who are already suffering. There's no logic in that - no morality - just foolishness.
I watched how Tony Blair turned into a glittering eyed goblin as his terms progressed - the same transformation that is making Obama look equally old and shriveled now. It really must be difficult to be a President/Prime Minister. It astonishes me anyone ever wants to be.
So I will be watching the face of our David Cameron. I am hoping he will prove more wise than I expect him to be.
But maybe not.....
Quote - Britain's National Security Council "unanimously" backed action against Syria over its "unacceptable" chemical weapons use, Prime Minister David Cameron said earlier on Wednesday.
Want to know who is the National Security Council? Click here. Mmmm.. don't know what to say they all look really familiar!
So we are talking to the United Nations? We did that last time too. And then we waged an illegal war.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Do you think Assad would be daft enough to use gas on his own citizens, knowing that was exactly what the USA and their side-kick UK would use as an excuse for West-meddling? I say No.
Do you think Governments are honest and upstanding, that they would never censor information, or purposefully interfere in other autonomous countries for their own nefarious ends? I say No.
Do you think the anti smoking brigade should have such vast lobbying power that they can make Governments persecute the lifestyle of a quarter of their population? Or that vaping should be medicalised by the decision of a committe whose members represent Drug Companies? I say No.
Do you think salt "causes" high blood pressure, even though in the very short term, it can raise some people's blood pressure? Or that eating fat causes people to become fat? Or that our Government's "healthy plates" are actually healthy? I say No.
Do you believe that the Drug Companies are more upstanding and moral than Big Tobacco? Or that Big Tobacco Control, Big Tobacco and Big Pharma never lie, cheat, or fudge statistics to promote their causes? I say No.
Do you believe the BBC is unbiased and fair in its reporting? That it never follows an "agenda" to brainwash the citizens of the UK, if not other countries too? That it never, by censorship, tries to influence us? I say No.
Do you trust our leaders to make good decisions on badger culls, or war, or smoking, or assisted suicide, or happiness, or housing, or railways, or legalising drugs, or healthy lifestyles, or gay marriage, or the EU, or internet porn? Do you think anyone really knows what they are doing? I say No.
Should we take ANYTHING on face value? Should we just believe everything we are told by our leaders? I say No.
Do you think Governments are honest and upstanding, that they would never censor information, or purposefully interfere in other autonomous countries for their own nefarious ends? I say No.
Do you think the anti smoking brigade should have such vast lobbying power that they can make Governments persecute the lifestyle of a quarter of their population? Or that vaping should be medicalised by the decision of a committe whose members represent Drug Companies? I say No.
Do you think salt "causes" high blood pressure, even though in the very short term, it can raise some people's blood pressure? Or that eating fat causes people to become fat? Or that our Government's "healthy plates" are actually healthy? I say No.
Do you believe that the Drug Companies are more upstanding and moral than Big Tobacco? Or that Big Tobacco Control, Big Tobacco and Big Pharma never lie, cheat, or fudge statistics to promote their causes? I say No.
Do you believe the BBC is unbiased and fair in its reporting? That it never follows an "agenda" to brainwash the citizens of the UK, if not other countries too? That it never, by censorship, tries to influence us? I say No.
Do you trust our leaders to make good decisions on badger culls, or war, or smoking, or assisted suicide, or happiness, or housing, or railways, or legalising drugs, or healthy lifestyles, or gay marriage, or the EU, or internet porn? Do you think anyone really knows what they are doing? I say No.
Should we take ANYTHING on face value? Should we just believe everything we are told by our leaders? I say No.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Giving up smoking might be dangerous for your health
I have long had a theory that people should want to give up smoking as a reason for giving up smoking. Giving up because of outside persuasion, pressure, feelings of guilt, nagging, Tobacco Control, social manipulation, is bad for your health. You will simply manifest something else to take its place.
Some years ago a friend nagged her husband constantly to stop the fags. I told her about my theory - but her eyes glazed over - I could tell she was not listening. This was the same friend, who years later, in my lounge, blown out of her mind on many bottles of our red wine, told me "Shmokersz are thu shcourge of the earth!" Mmmm.
Anyway, back to the story. Her poor husband got himself off smoking and into two years of addiction to nicotine gum. Eventually he managed to break his addiction to that, Six months later he developed testicular cancer. That coupled with the red wine problem of his wife, ended the marriage.
See? I told her so. But after the "Shmokersz are thu shcourge of the earth!" comment made as I was stubbing out my tiny home-rolled fag in my own ashtray, my feelings of friendship for her dissipated fast. She needed to take the mote out of her own eye before noticing them in the eyes of others.
But I might be wrong about my theory after all. What has uplifted me today is Giving up smoking might be dangerous for your health article I found in a comment on someone else's blog.
Some years ago a friend nagged her husband constantly to stop the fags. I told her about my theory - but her eyes glazed over - I could tell she was not listening. This was the same friend, who years later, in my lounge, blown out of her mind on many bottles of our red wine, told me "Shmokersz are thu shcourge of the earth!" Mmmm.
Anyway, back to the story. Her poor husband got himself off smoking and into two years of addiction to nicotine gum. Eventually he managed to break his addiction to that, Six months later he developed testicular cancer. That coupled with the red wine problem of his wife, ended the marriage.
See? I told her so. But after the "Shmokersz are thu shcourge of the earth!" comment made as I was stubbing out my tiny home-rolled fag in my own ashtray, my feelings of friendship for her dissipated fast. She needed to take the mote out of her own eye before noticing them in the eyes of others.
But I might be wrong about my theory after all. What has uplifted me today is Giving up smoking might be dangerous for your health article I found in a comment on someone else's blog.
Friday, 23 August 2013
While science looks through the keyhole, we can't see the room we live in!
I have had a few "Jesus Saves" messages recently. Those afflict me less in my life than the constant barrage we get in the UK media that there is nothing believable but science. Thinking that science has the answer to all aspects of living, is called Scientism. It's as fundamentalist as any "Jesus Saves" prostelytising that can happen to anyone. I think we have moved into a very horrible scientism age.
I believe we have a spiritual aspect and I think science could prove it if they wanted to. They have got stuck in their neo darwinsim and scientism. While they are stuck there, they are unable to properly investigate ideas that have been studied for thousands of years in the east. One of the ideas that would improve life as we know it, is that everything and everyone is interconnected. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction in scientific terms. But the idea this only applies to billiard balls, is incorrect. I believe it applies to EVERYTHING, visible and invisible, material, natural, emotional, cultural, national and planetary if not also cosmic.
If we understood this we'd make less cock-ups. And we'd live in a much wiser world.
We'd be nice to EVERYTHING.
I believe we have a spiritual aspect and I think science could prove it if they wanted to. They have got stuck in their neo darwinsim and scientism. While they are stuck there, they are unable to properly investigate ideas that have been studied for thousands of years in the east. One of the ideas that would improve life as we know it, is that everything and everyone is interconnected. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction in scientific terms. But the idea this only applies to billiard balls, is incorrect. I believe it applies to EVERYTHING, visible and invisible, material, natural, emotional, cultural, national and planetary if not also cosmic.
If we understood this we'd make less cock-ups. And we'd live in a much wiser world.
We'd be nice to EVERYTHING.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
My uplifting thought for today - pain and God and new atheists
I just came back from the dentist. There was a guy there trying to get seen by a dentist. He said he was in excruciating pain. He was clutching his face, groaning and twisting in his seat while the admin staff were trying to set him up with an urgent appointment like RIGHT THEN!
I felt sorry for him, I have no doubt he was in pain, his tee shirt was soaked with sweat and his face contorted as the next wave of pain overwhelmed him. My husband once had such terrible neuralgia he stood banging his face against a wall. That day he took 22 pain killers. I thought he would poison himself with the pills before the dentist got the tooth and sinuses sorted.
So I sat there thinking about pain. Pain is invisible to everyone else except the one experiencing it. Yet we do not doubt it exists. Science does not set out to "prove" pain.
Yet new athiests spend tons of energy trashing those who believe in something greater than themselves - God/Source/Whatever in an effort to impose their beliefs on believers.
But the existence of God/Source/Whatever is like pain. There is no science in the world that can disprove the experience of the person who has a God/Source/Whatever experience. But the person having it KNOWS. Science is superfluous. That is what drives the new atheists nuts!
I felt sorry for him, I have no doubt he was in pain, his tee shirt was soaked with sweat and his face contorted as the next wave of pain overwhelmed him. My husband once had such terrible neuralgia he stood banging his face against a wall. That day he took 22 pain killers. I thought he would poison himself with the pills before the dentist got the tooth and sinuses sorted.
So I sat there thinking about pain. Pain is invisible to everyone else except the one experiencing it. Yet we do not doubt it exists. Science does not set out to "prove" pain.
Yet new athiests spend tons of energy trashing those who believe in something greater than themselves - God/Source/Whatever in an effort to impose their beliefs on believers.
But the existence of God/Source/Whatever is like pain. There is no science in the world that can disprove the experience of the person who has a God/Source/Whatever experience. But the person having it KNOWS. Science is superfluous. That is what drives the new atheists nuts!
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
What I enjoyed today
I had a lovely time reading Captain Ranty's The Things I Despise because I don't like the things he lists either.
This is the beginning of a "short" list that rambles right down the page. Read it all in his rant.
The EU
The Government
The Politicians
The Scientists (who sold their souls for grant money)
The wasted billions of taxpayer money
Sport. Pretty much all of it.
Censorship. Of any description etc etc
But the thing that actually uplifted me was the advice in the comments from William. I think he is a wise and serene man.
Here it is in full -
"Here’s Cr’s List with some solutions
The EU
Ignore it
This is the beginning of a "short" list that rambles right down the page. Read it all in his rant.
The EU
The Government
The Politicians
The Scientists (who sold their souls for grant money)
The wasted billions of taxpayer money
Sport. Pretty much all of it.
Censorship. Of any description etc etc
But the thing that actually uplifted me was the advice in the comments from William. I think he is a wise and serene man.
Here it is in full -
"Here’s Cr’s List with some solutions
The EU
Ignore it
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
Stinging nettles my new best friend
I wrote yesterday about using stinging nettles as pain relief. I overdid things yesterday. I drove, I gardened, I lobbed balls for the dog and I swam. Oh dear. Silly me. This morning I woke in pain again. I reminded my RSI that it should have been resting! Fortunately the nettles on my kitchen windowsill are still stingy. They loose their sting with age in water, or on wilting. I have found if I bash the cut part of the stem so it mushes up, they are able to drink up the water and last longer. And I wash them first (wearing gloves of course) in case they are dusty or are bird poo-y.
So I did the stinging nettle pain relief procedure this morning. Last week, from the 5th to the 9th of August, I did it daily. I saw a huge improvement the very next morning the day after the first "treatment". And by the 10th I was really comfortable for the first time since the end of May. That was a week ago. I overdid things yesterday because I have been feeling really well and completely pain free.
I am learning fast about using stinging nettles as pain reliever. It's easier for me to pick the top of the nettle where it branches out into buds and flowers. It's best if it has several branches at the top. A long stem allows me to hold my little branch in my one good hand (my right one) and swish it or roll the nettle onto my right shoulder and arm above the elbow. It's nettly stingy. But within a few minutes, it calms to a warm tingle. I don't find the sensation bad at all.
The "science" behind stinging yourself on the pain site, is that the body sends along all the antihistamines, anti-inflammatories and other lovely personally generated chemicals to the nettle sting site, which just happens to be the pain site that needs all that lovely stuff to get well.
Now, I am aware that some people have a very bad response to nettle stings, so a stinging "test" would be a good idea on a very small place. But I have been stung many times as I scour my garden for what I used to call the "perishers" hiding under the garden bench or lurking down the path. My whole attitude to nettles has changed. I am even growing seedlings to keep on a sunny window ledge in the winter just in case!
They grow in semi shade in rich soil and young leaves are very like spinach when cooked. They are delicious as spinach. They make a good addition to soups and stews. But the older ones, are more intensely full of beneficial healing chemicals, especially after they flower. But they are not good to eat - very bitter.
But for MY purposes, the sting is great. Nettles have become my new best friend.
So I did the stinging nettle pain relief procedure this morning. Last week, from the 5th to the 9th of August, I did it daily. I saw a huge improvement the very next morning the day after the first "treatment". And by the 10th I was really comfortable for the first time since the end of May. That was a week ago. I overdid things yesterday because I have been feeling really well and completely pain free.
I am learning fast about using stinging nettles as pain reliever. It's easier for me to pick the top of the nettle where it branches out into buds and flowers. It's best if it has several branches at the top. A long stem allows me to hold my little branch in my one good hand (my right one) and swish it or roll the nettle onto my right shoulder and arm above the elbow. It's nettly stingy. But within a few minutes, it calms to a warm tingle. I don't find the sensation bad at all.
The "science" behind stinging yourself on the pain site, is that the body sends along all the antihistamines, anti-inflammatories and other lovely personally generated chemicals to the nettle sting site, which just happens to be the pain site that needs all that lovely stuff to get well.
Now, I am aware that some people have a very bad response to nettle stings, so a stinging "test" would be a good idea on a very small place. But I have been stung many times as I scour my garden for what I used to call the "perishers" hiding under the garden bench or lurking down the path. My whole attitude to nettles has changed. I am even growing seedlings to keep on a sunny window ledge in the winter just in case!
They grow in semi shade in rich soil and young leaves are very like spinach when cooked. They are delicious as spinach. They make a good addition to soups and stews. But the older ones, are more intensely full of beneficial healing chemicals, especially after they flower. But they are not good to eat - very bitter.
But for MY purposes, the sting is great. Nettles have become my new best friend.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
The secret is in the sting
I have been in terrible pain with my shoulder for over two months. NSAIDs (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) eat your stomach and have horrible side effects. I was not happy with them.
Accidentally, and quite co-incidentally, I discovered something called "Urtication" which means stinging yourself at the pain site with stinging nettles to relieve the pain and seeing the stinging nettles are good here at the moment, I tried it. The result was miraculous! Stinging yourself on purpose with the humble stinging nettle is as good as any pharmaceutical drug. I have been astonished and delighted.I am now pain free!
I works because the body sends out all the anti-inflammatory chemicals and other good stuff it needs to the nettle site - which, of course is your pain site and it works wondrously.
Not so much is written about urtication - its both ancient and modern. If anyone reading this has good links, please send them to me,
But I did see a clinical trial where it ranked with any NSIAIDS, so people must know about it. Couldn't imagine any of our pharmaceutical corporation pets telling anyone in their surgery "Just go home and flog yourself with nettles"!
Here is a Patent for 2010 for nettle and pain - dried powder - but I think the secret is in the sting.
Accidentally, and quite co-incidentally, I discovered something called "Urtication" which means stinging yourself at the pain site with stinging nettles to relieve the pain and seeing the stinging nettles are good here at the moment, I tried it. The result was miraculous! Stinging yourself on purpose with the humble stinging nettle is as good as any pharmaceutical drug. I have been astonished and delighted.I am now pain free!
I works because the body sends out all the anti-inflammatory chemicals and other good stuff it needs to the nettle site - which, of course is your pain site and it works wondrously.
Not so much is written about urtication - its both ancient and modern. If anyone reading this has good links, please send them to me,
But I did see a clinical trial where it ranked with any NSIAIDS, so people must know about it. Couldn't imagine any of our pharmaceutical corporation pets telling anyone in their surgery "Just go home and flog yourself with nettles"!
Here is a Patent for 2010 for nettle and pain - dried powder - but I think the secret is in the sting.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Bongo Bongo Bongo The civilisation song - The Godfrey Bloom generation - and the present silly one!
Mr Blooms blunder
Mr Bloom's generation - the culture - anti civilisation song - offensive? The present generation has moved on in political correctness, but not wisdom.........
Mr Bloom's generation - the culture - anti civilisation song - offensive? The present generation has moved on in political correctness, but not wisdom.........
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Frozen shoulder/repetitive strain - a bigger concept
I have spent many posts on this blog moaning about the disappointment I feel at how strangely warped life on this alien planet feels. At the end of May, I overdid things in our garden and the same weekend overdid metal detecting near Hadrians wall. Since then, I have been in and out of agony. Sometimes I have decided this shoulder and arm is the beginning of something terminal! When I am on pain killers, I can use my arm reasonably comfortably, but then, am I just masking the pain? The pain is telling me something, yes? And a further complication is that my left arm, is semi paralised from a post-natal stroke I had after my last baby. So when the doctor said "Keep your arm at rest, don't use it", I nearly fell off the chair laughing. In your dreams Mr Doctor - it's the only arm I have!
What is the meaning of the pain in my arm/shoulder other than to tell me it has been injured? Well, here is some interesting stuff from a different angle.
According to "The secret language of your body" (Blue Angel Publishing, 2007) by Inna Segal:
The shoulders are to do with carrying the world on your shoulders. Holding onto too much strain, stress and worry. Feeling insecure, unsure, frightened, overwhelmed, sad, rejected, distrustful and discouraged.
What is the meaning of the pain in my arm/shoulder other than to tell me it has been injured? Well, here is some interesting stuff from a different angle.
According to Louise
L. Hay in her book "Heal your body" (Hay
House, revised edition 2008):
Shoulder pain represents our ability to carry our experiences in life joyously. We choose to make life a burden by our attitude.
Shoulder pain represents our ability to carry our experiences in life joyously. We choose to make life a burden by our attitude.
Yup - that fits me.
According to "The secret language of your body" (Blue Angel Publishing, 2007) by Inna Segal:
The shoulders are to do with carrying the world on your shoulders. Holding onto too much strain, stress and worry. Feeling insecure, unsure, frightened, overwhelmed, sad, rejected, distrustful and discouraged.
Yup, that fits me too. In fact I'd say it was spot on about how I feel about this world that we humans are mangling into something almost unrecogniseable to me. Yet the younger generation think that their lives are "normal", apathetically accepting limitations to their freedoms, invasions to their privacy, legislations to issues where they don't belong, continual wars, oil and gas fired greed and avarice, corporate power, illusory money, lifestyle interference, science used dishonestly, denormalisation of groups like smokers, fat people, drinkers and the religious, rampant consumerism, materialism, botoxed facelifted photoshopped hair restored fake-people, feral children, me, me me promoting media, induced fear by science, not by satan and not understanding that 1984 has already arrived. (nice long sentence yes?)
So all that is captured in my pain. It is in my soul.
I feel better now that I said it - maybe the pain will go away?
Monday, 5 August 2013
I have a new camera that I don't know how to work. Yesterday, our garden was full of bumblebees so I spent a goodly time trying to capture one in closeup without success.

The secret to snapping bumblebees it to capture them on flowers with an open structure. My bumblebees kept on disappearing down the tubes of Hosta flowers....I promise you they are there!
So, this next one was a success, but it wasn't a bumblebee! Ah well. It made me feel good. But THIS was my best!
The secret to snapping bumblebees it to capture them on flowers with an open structure. My bumblebees kept on disappearing down the tubes of Hosta flowers....I promise you they are there!
So, this next one was a success, but it wasn't a bumblebee! Ah well. It made me feel good. But THIS was my best!
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Mind over matter - science makes us fear. Fishy stuff!
My daughter's fish tank, which she stocks SCIENTIFICALLY, is a disaster to my mind. Her fish keep on dying. Do you know that if you want to buy more fish on this alien planet you have to take in a sample of your tank water?! I find that most offensive. Surely if you wanted to serve roast guppy for supper, you should be able to? But, on this alien planet, legislation intrudes everywhere!
On the previous planet to this, in the old days, we used to chuck everything into our fish tanks. Sand - let it settle - plants - rinse first - rocks - soaked well overnight and rinsed - and fish - after floating them in their plastic bags in which they were purchased from the pet shop. It all worked! Fancy that! No science involved.
I have checked with my children in case my memory has failed because of my old age, but it is true - we used to give black mollies, neons and guppies away to all our friends and sundry people because our tank was overpopulated. And snails. Tons of snails.
Our Siamese fighting fish had so many babies (that is a fascinating procedure to watch) that we were constantly on the hunt to get rid of the males (who attack each other) and keep the females who were in a constant ragged state due to male attention.
Oh, remembering our fish tanks make me feel so uplifted! Those were the days when we simply expected richness, fertility and success. We believed!
That's what is wrong with my daughters fish tank now - she expects failure - science has been no help. It's only induced fear!
On the previous planet to this, in the old days, we used to chuck everything into our fish tanks. Sand - let it settle - plants - rinse first - rocks - soaked well overnight and rinsed - and fish - after floating them in their plastic bags in which they were purchased from the pet shop. It all worked! Fancy that! No science involved.
I have checked with my children in case my memory has failed because of my old age, but it is true - we used to give black mollies, neons and guppies away to all our friends and sundry people because our tank was overpopulated. And snails. Tons of snails.
Our Siamese fighting fish had so many babies (that is a fascinating procedure to watch) that we were constantly on the hunt to get rid of the males (who attack each other) and keep the females who were in a constant ragged state due to male attention.
Oh, remembering our fish tanks make me feel so uplifted! Those were the days when we simply expected richness, fertility and success. We believed!
That's what is wrong with my daughters fish tank now - she expects failure - science has been no help. It's only induced fear!
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Research Trusts and Proclamations
The Politicians
Ignore them they are not the government
The Scientists (who sold their souls for grant money)
They will do it anyway so ignore them. Real science is never settled
The wasted billions of taxpayer money
All in the past. Look to the now and reduce your tax contributions as much as you can, get creative.
Sport. Pretty much all of it.
Ignore it
Censorship. Of any description
Ignore it. Talk to those who will listen and wish those who won’t well.
State surveillance
Anything the state folks do they are spectacularly bad at so don’t worry about it until it bites you on the arse
Wind turbines
Be patient they will all fall over at some point once the subsidies run out so don’t get too near
The ridiculous tripe the SNP comes out with
They are political actors paid to spout tripe, ignore it.
Airport security
Theatre enjoy it. Be polite and cite non existent religious views to bypass as much of it as you can
Public servants who have forgotten who they serve
Ignore them. Toothless deluded pawns
The ‘two-tier’ law system
Another ‘too big’ to worry about. If it bites you then fix it if it doesn’t pay no attention
Having 14 stitches in my arse
Must be painful. Do some alternative health research and see if there is anything that can speed the healing and ease the pain
‘Donating’ over 70% of MY earnings to people who piss it away
The only solution here I can see is to stop working a job and do a Leg Iron instead (earn enough to live)
Council Tax-I could provide the same ‘services’ they do, but much cheaper
It’s a con plain and simple. Newstruth has a plan go read his blog
Thuggish police
Avoid them whenever possible or withdraw your consent to be policed
Leniency for crimes against children
No solutions on this one as I’ve not come into any contact with a crime against a child.
Not being ‘permitted’ to arm myself
You have fists, feet and a brain. You are armed.
Charities. Particularly those that are sponsored and/or ‘gifted’ our money by the govt
Ignore them. Do not given them a penny.
Rap music
Yes I agree to me it’s shite so don’t listen to it. Some people actually like it so unless you are forced to listen to it move or switch the crap off.
Justin Fucking Bieber
No opinion on this chap
The extortionate cost of tobacco
Tobacco tax is the extortion so find a better solution than Tesco. Use your imagination
The extortionate cost of alcohol
Alcohol tax is the extortion so find a better solution than Tesco. Use your imagination
The extortionate cost of petrol/diesel
Again just tax so research and seek out potential ways to reduce the reliance on the car. Changing habits is a good place to start.
That fucking Environmental Charge on my electricity bill
Don’t pay it. They will threaten to cut off the leccy, never the gas. Read their general supply contract. There is no mention of surcharges and the four schemes that make up the charge are meant to be funded by the suppliers. Do the research and send the CEO of the supplying company a nice and polite letter pointing this out and see what happens.
The biased BBC
Ignore it and stop funding it
The corrupted ‘free’ press
Dead man walking so ignore it.
A condition of deluded humans. The best you can do is stop being one of them"