ALSO -The Last Furlong Blog and Life on an alien planet.wordpress

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Making us crazy

I found this article from the Keunsel Newspaper, Bhutan's daily News. They are having a problem with rising Mental Health issues as they 'modernise'

Currently, our own amazing statistics are that 1 in every 200 people suffer some kind of psychotic interlude in a lifetime. And that's just psychosis. Mental Health issues will increase 15% by 2020 according to WHO, so it seems to me, we need to remove the stigma from 'going crackers' because by 2020, many of our friends, and lots of us will have done it too!

It's harder and harder to separate truth from lies. Conspiracy abounds. The media, politicians and Governments offer us a reality, fixed, altered or cosmeticised. We are told what to think, how to behave, what to eat, how to bring up our children, how much to exercise, and what we should know - and even what to 'believe'. We are tracked by street cams, medical records,school records, college and university records. And now the Internet tracks our tastes and hobbies! It's enough to make anyone crazy.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

I want there to be a God.

After I watched Michio Kaku's Visions of the Future I felt deeply depressed. We are becoming God-like. Well....I hate the idea that we think we are. I want there to be a God! There needs to be something bigger and better than us! Look what we've done....look what we do....if we are becoming God-like.....well God help us!

Friday, 28 September 2012

Disempowering by science

The belief that there is something greater than ourself gives meaning to our place on the planet – a reason for our life - the co-operation of God with ourself or vica versa.

Many people believe there is something greater than themselves who never go to a religious institution. They would call themselves “spiritual” rather than religious. They have the view that 'the something greater than themselves' is some kind of co-operative force that can be co-opted for personal nurturing, that 'allows' evolution – or maybe is evolving itself and IS evolution. We are fragments of the whole in its awesome complexity.

There is something in this thought that triggers an internal vastness that we could call a spiritual experience. In fact this 'one-ness' is the goal of all religious practice. So I like to think we NEED an inner life – A SPIRITUAL WAY - that is as important to our survival and the survival of our species as the workings of our lungs or bowels!

In contrast, the current mainstream scientific view says we are just an evolutionary accident and nothing else – we are “capped” by this view – how can we transcend being an evolutionary accident? How personally meaningful is this? I think this aspect is the most important – having no meaning weakens us.

What does the inner life of such a rational thinker look like? Is it bleak? Is it lush? What motivates his striving? How can he ever transcend his human limitations if his own thought processes cap him? How does he explain the inexplicable, which he needs to do, not by denial or aggressive scepticism, but by offering a logical natural concept (not labelled delusion, hallucination etc.) to those who live imaginatively rather than logically?

We need to study the benefits of faith in something greater than just us, in regards to the vitality of our species. Unless we come up with scientific, logical explanations in some compassionate way to explain the spiritual phenomena that are experienced by millions of people all over the world - that they know as real by personal testing, – we haven’t a hope in hell. The future seems bleak – we are going to lose our strength.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Why isn't it a doughnut?

The universe is expanding. One day, it will expand to a lifeless, formless thing.

But, to me, logically, this is a really silly scientific idea. Every time I hear it, or read it, I think doughnuts!

A doughnut is a fascinating shape - delicious or mysterious take your pick!

So I want to ask all miserable, depressing, deluded scientists out there - why isn't the Universe a doughnut?

And if it were - how could you ever know? It would be expanding and contracting simultaneously and your math would need adjusting. But a doughnut shape is what you are missing. Believe me - I know. Doughnuts are the answer! They are the theory of everything.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Worshiping without god and Dawkins.

Brian Cox movies always remind me of worship -  worshiping a miraculous and awesome Universe. Church like. God unnecessary.

Humanists are a kind of non theist group. The Sea of Faith Network is a place where such believers can link together and get "worshipful".  

An interesting site to browse is the Sea of Faith (video page)

I usually have to imagine the vast cosmic miracle as "God" - one in which we live and have our being.

Same concept - different name.

Unfortunately, on The Sea of Faith video page, you will find Richard Dawkins on it exhorting Atheists to be "agressive" . I am so sorry I found it there, like a snake in the grass of reason. He always makes me feel embarrassed and uncomfortable by his spiritual ignorance.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

More, more more - a haven for greed.

Where do all our taxes go? I thought we were taxed to death already. Smokers pay for all their medical treatment and the treatment of others. The tax on food and alcohol must pay for food and drink related conditions. Income tax is supposed to run the country. National Insurance for the National Health Service and we all pay for our pensions. Petrol tax builds our roads. What have I missed out?

We get taxed directly AND indirectly - for everything we consume. We don't even realise we are being taxed sometimes!

Then, I also want to know what happens to all the "fines"? Who gets those?

Did you know our government and all it's parts are "Corporations"?

There is something very smelly about planet earth as we have made it - a haven for greed with co-operating prisoners feeding profitable Corporations who thieve from us at every oportuninty.

And who always want more - more more.... 

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Fools for the Foe.

Again - what am I missing here? Are we daft or what?

Our army has chosen to place Prince Harry openly in a camp in Afghanistan like a red rag to a bull? And this with complete disregard to the safety of everyone else there. Everyone at Harry's camp has an excessive amount of extra responsibility undeserved by them. Should anything befall Harry it's the others that will get the blame.  Somebody ELSE always gets hurt....why is this royal in a place where his presence endangers others - are we asking for it?

I don't think this is responsible at all, but the action of fools.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Tits and bums

I've lived for 68 years and never appeared naked in public - i.e. in front of more than one other person. I believe decorum is important when others are around. But you don't have to be a prude in a  private place i.e. in front of one other person. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I'm not stupid.
Obviously society is less nonchalant about the naked human body than we are reported to be - it's still tits and bums snigger-snigger, isn't it? And pictures of famous ones make the best money.

So it seems to me, if you are a celebrity or a royal and you don't want photographs of yourself naked appearing in the press, don't take your clothes off in "public"!  Simple.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Cinderella goes to the ball

Have you noticed how the ugly sisters called Public Health and Anti-Tobacco have slagged Cinderella off so much that all citizens of all nations in the world have now got the wrong idea about her?

But we have moved on even since this article was written.... I am talking about the chemical nicotine.

A while back, I suggested to someone suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, to ask her doctor for a script for nicotine patches. She shrieked in horror.  She has been well brainwashed by the ugly sisters.And most people are like her.

The ugly sisters have tried to keep the real truth about Cindarells a secret. Nicotine turns out to have potential as a really useful medication for all sorts of things and she seems to be going to the ball after all.

I have no doubt Prince Charming will meet her there. I think he'll be a member of Big Pharma - in fact, I KNOW he will!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Stoptober - idiot alert....!

This is SUCH a strange place! This morning I awoke to be told by the BBC that we were going to be plagued by a new Government anti smoking drive called Stoptober.

Now, when I was smoking, all this kind of stuff made me more determined than ever NEVER to give up smoking. For the determined smoker, Stoptober isn't going to make a blind bit of difference except more isolation and resolve.

But what absolutely gob smacked me was the quote from the woman speaking promoting the event.

She said " we have proved that smokers who can stay off cigarettes for twenty eight days, have a better chance of quitting smoking, that is the key". Is it me, or is there something VERY strange about that sentence?

I didn't catch her name poor thing.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

The most precious commodity in the world...

I live in such a changed world, I sometimes feel I am living on a foreign planet!

Things that distress me are the “war on drugs”. What an awful term! “War”! When I was young, there was no such war – and like all wars, it has NOT made the world a better place.

Drug barons and drug lords have been made rich and powerful by it. Drugs have become so illicit, we have made them priceless and traffickers protect them with guns. The underworld has become vast! The misery is unimaginable but not from “using”.

I have just watched the TV documentary Unreported World about the violence in Trinidad and Tobago. One could say this stems directly from our “War on Drugs”.

These islands are right near South America and they are where the trade passes on drugs on their way to us. Traffickers dump their guns and excess “stock” on the locals. Life there is unimaginable to us.

Surely after all these years of total non-success, logical, scientifically minded people, would admit it's a “war” that is NOT working!

Despite all the gobbledegook I have heard that legalising drugs would not work - why don’t we try it? What COULD be worse than the dismal failure of making drugs the most precious commodity in the world?

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The first 9/11

The First 9/11

Even should you simply skim this document (link above) - the hairs on your neck will rise to discover how very, very evil Governments are and how complex what appears to be, really is. When the lies, deceit and corruptions are revealed - we find we live in a world artificially manipulated by the powerful and greedy. It is perfectly easy to wonder about the second 9/11.
This kind of meddling is still  going on all over the world.
This interview - 9/11 - Was there another alternative?

The perpetrators of our world History remain unpunished.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Making things happen for smokers

Something dawned on me last night about why the anti-tobacco movement has been so successful in trampling down the quarter of the population in the UK – the smokers.

They have FOCUS. They know EXACTLY what they want. They have MONEY (mostly ours!).

Smokers are single individuals, who simply don't want the persecution. They have unfocussed intentions. Some might be enraged that they may not smoke in pubs, or on open air station platforms. Some might feel excluded because they may not smoke in their local park, or even outside the hospital they find themselves in. There seems to be no focus, no money, no group.

There are sites, bloggers and individuals who complain – but smokers are not focused on working towards ONE release from their pain. ONE thing would be simply to hammer on about smoking in pubs. That is how the anti smoking movement progressed - one focused goal at a time.

What happened to....


Something that collected lots of signatures Tobacco campaigners hand packaging petition to Department of Health ?

Are we still waiting for the axe to fall?

Monday, 3 September 2012

I wish we could start again...

I am busy watching a movie called "The Corporation" - in 23 parts! This is not as onerous as it sounds if you link into a playlists of it - and it automatically shunts on to the next episode. This movie is well worth watching.

It explains another part of what I feel our world is -  an alien, sinister planet.

I wish we could start again and make something better - and we might have to.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Tobacco Control "mistakes" enough!

This is a new paper out now - on Springer Link which you have to pay for and which I am not going to, but simply reading this one page about the mistakes Tobacco Control have made, it occurred to me, that meddling in the actual product has been their biggest mistake of all. Did they not realise that in pushing for low nicotine, low tar cigarettes, they would make people smoke MORE? Read the second column in this single page PDF (which I am unable to copy and paste from). The error is to have made cigarettes more toxic than they were before - and of course, for smokers to get their fix, they have to smoke more. And in the last sentence, how naughty, naughty naughty people blocked the nice vent holes in the filters. I remember doing that with sticky tape! I think these people and their meddling ways should go and live on another planet. It's them that have made this one particularly unpleasant already.